Who in the world is Dr. Callie?
Dr. Callie is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Masters of Sports Science and Rehabilitation from Logan University in Chesterfield, MO. She is originally from a small town 30 minutes west of Akron, OH. So how did she find the gorgeous city of Chattanooga, TN? She was a collegiate rower at the University of Cincinnati, where she obtained her Bachelors of Health Sciences degree, and competed in the Head of the Hooch Regatta that is on the Tennessee River right through downtown Chattanooga! The city left a mark on her heart and when it was time to pick a place to build her business, she returned and fell in love with "the Boulder of the East".

Why Chiropractic, specifically sports oriented?
Dr. Callie has always been an athlete since she could walk. She was a dancer, gymnast, soccer player, volleyball player, a rower, and multiple sports in between. Since she was always active, she has experienced quite a few injuries that she received physical therapy and chiropractic care for. This opened her eyes to the world of helping everyone become and/or stay active. Exercise is critical to having good health but that does not mean you must be a gym rat. Pick an activity that you enjoy doing, such as walking, kayaking, swimming, or anything that can help relieve stress and be active.

Why Chattanooga Sports Chiropractic Institute?
Dr. Callie officially opened CSCI on March 19th, 2018 at Four Squares Business Center on Mountain Creek Road. CSCI started in order to follow her life long dream of being a doctor owning her own practice. She really focuses on spending quality time with her patients and actually treating the root cause of their complaints rather than just the immediate pain. CSCI focuses on increasing movement in joints, whether spine or extremity oriented. This allows corrections in movement patterns that are used to restore proper function and reduction in pain.

Want to get in contact with Dr. Callie? Follow her on social media @noogasportchiro
Email: dr.callielance@gmail.com